Image Attribution

(Owlet header image found via a Google Image search, and came from Etsy artist Bestiary Ink)

01 September 2011


Disclaimer: I've been saving this post, because I was waiting for TWO new bebe arrivals, so EH, please don't think this was not intended for you!

WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME TO THE WORLD, BABY H AND BABY R! SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU ALREADY, AND YOU'VE ONLY JUST ARRIVED! Love to your families, and to you. Can't wait to love you both forever and ever! This world just got a lot better and a lot more beautiful...

(photo via Google)
And also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BABY H'S BIG BIG BROTHER E! love love love and more love!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much!! E and baby J are lighting up our lives so much. I can't wait for you to get to know them!
