Image Attribution

(Owlet header image found via a Google Image search, and came from Etsy artist Bestiary Ink)

03 May 2011


I know I'm not getting that much traffic (still? yet? ever?), but I have had a couple of feature-others topic ideas and wanted to see whether they elicited any responses that would help me decide if I should pursue them or not. Since this blog for me has really been about what's inspiring me right now-in-this-moment, I thought it might be fun to give some others' inspirations some face time. So... friends (since I know it's mostly friends who are looking at this right now)... would you contribute to a What's Inspiring You Today? series? I'm thinking it would be an occasional repeat. Maybe once a week, or once a month, I'd just ask one of you to contribute. If you have a blog of your own, we'd link to it. Maybe it can inspire some traffic in both of our directions? I also think  I'm going to do a periodic Song-spiration series, where I'll pick a song to help me channel my day in the right direction, or sum-up a day that's gone a certain way, and then find other pics and stuff that it, in turn, inspires. Neat? Lame? I don't know this week. And it was suggested that I consider doing reviews. What kind of reviews am I expert enough to offer? (Can you tell how off my game I am this week?)

Right now, all I can think about is chamomile...


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